Compliance e Certifications

We comply with national and international regulations, rules and codes of conduct.



Witapp has decided to integrate the controls envisaged by Legislative Decree 231 of 8 June 2001 into its internal control system.

Code of Ethics

The Code of Ethics reports the values ​​and principles which the directors and employees must inspire for the pursuit of corporate objectives.
Logo iso 9001
Logo iso 37001

ISO 9001

ISO 9001:2015 "Quality management systems" certification Certification body - KIWA CERMET Italia S.p.A.
ISO 9001 Certification is the international standard for Quality Management Systems (QMS).

ISO 13485

ISO 13485:2021 certification "Medical devices - Quality management systems" Certification body - KIWA CERMET Italia S.p.A.
ISO 13485 ensures that the quality management system complies with the rules of the medical device standards.

ISO 37001

Certificazione ISO 37001:2016 "Sistemi di gestione per la prevenzione della corruzione" Organismo di certificazione - CERTIQUALITY
ISO 37001 Certification is the international standard for anti-corruption management systems.
Smc-125-2022 logo parità genere

UNI/PdR 125:2022

The company management system is compliant with the UNI/PdR 125:2022 Reference Practice. Witapp implements a Gender Equality Management System and adopts measures to ensure gender equality in the workplace.
ISO 13485 ensures that the quality management system complies with the rules of the medical device standards.